Work in Progress: the survey of young people and work.

The results of the survey show that young Italians are more flexible and willing to change, but the country still lags behind in the political and cultural.The survey, which was built by collecting data with CAWI method (computer-assisted web interviewing), involved 800 young people between 18 and 35 years, 66% with a postgraduate degree, and was developed in collaboration with Fonditalia , Paritetico Fund for Continuing Education and followed by media partners Labitalia, news agency dedicated to the work of the Group AdnKronos and Walk on Job, magazine of current events, academia and the world of work

Compromises and sacrifices for a job

But really young people are so hard to please? The survey Observatory Work in Progress gives us a different picture where young Italians are proving much more flexible, in fact, 64% would be willing to go and live far away, while 25.3% would be willing also to be underpaid, but a 25% stressed that the work is a right and then there should be no trade-offs associated to the form of the contract or to pay, but 12% would be willing to accept the non-respect of the contract or the abuse of an atypical contract and 2% would be willing to put aside his moral integrity. The research shows, also, an interest in the young Italians abroad, 37% sent a resume to foreign companies, including the top destinations France, Switzerland and England. “Maybe – said the lawyer Dilonardo Thomas, founder and president of Work in Progress – to be inflexible is the same policy unable to interpret the times and therefore to enact effective laws, locked in an ideological debate away from the real business needs of young people. The Reformation Fornero, for 57.6% of the respondents made the situation worse, increased costs for companies and job insecurity for workers, where the only solution would be to greatly reduce the labor costs for new hires not precarious.”Although he has agreed to be underpaid, that my contracts have not been respected, has put aside my moral integrity – a user tells us – in Italy, however, I have not found a job, so I’m going to live very far from home and from ‘Italy’. And the talks? How are you? 55% of respondents say they have answered questions related to the private sphere, first of all you married him / her? Banquets? Do you live with your parents? Do you have children or are you going to have a short? Tell me about the members of his family, who work do your parents do? “These questions, addressed mainly to the female gender, which hide a bias on the actual ability of women to play a leading role in society – said Dilonardo – our survey shows that 43.2% have been asked if it is married or live together, 20.4% have children or if you intend to have a short, to many, finally, also asked the background of their parents, in short time passes but the Italian company will change little, are questions that highlight a delay before all cultural, there is still, unfortunately, the concept of merit, in a country where the social elevator is increasingly immobile “. “The survey highlights some aspects of which we Walk on Job we often smell and we have studied in several investigations. In particular, explains the director of Walk on Job, Cristina Maccarrone – surprise us (in negative) during the talks do certain questions on privacy that are not really aimed at recruitment, in violation of the privacy law, as well as continue to discriminate against women by asking them if they want to have a family – in the short or in the future – (we speak to make low birth rate if not then the We facilitate?) I would not have expected questions about the work of the parents or the people with whom you live , which shows that the labor market still has many things to fix.

What young people think of Formation

In this regard, young people show that they have a clear idea of what does not work and the changes that should be produced, in fact, the survey indicates that, for 73% of young people the School and the University should provide courses or initiatives to encourage the youth meeting with the labor market, but the specialized master’s degrees were not crucial to find work for 31% of respondents. According to data Work in Progress, 34% have not yet enrolled in a training course because he believes that companies should ensure first to worry about the training of human resources, in addition, 31.6% of the costs of the courses are prohibitive. “The school should provide the tools for the job, not just theory courses or high-sounding names. – We read in the comments – For example, we learn to speak English, to read the newspaper, to use Excel.”

How young people looking for work

Young people looking for work rely on the Internet for 71%, the second largest corporate websites, follow with 25% of social networks, including LinkedIn is the most widely used, but the more traditional methods continue to play a key role: are turning to employment agencies or branches of work 32.4% of respondents, while 24.3% prefer to look at ads in the newspaper. “That first half to find work and the Internet is an interesting, but if you imagine that, instead of having to untangle in the vast sea of the Internet, young people could enjoy the potential of managed network with the competence and confidence that could provide a service provided by employment centers, young people, and also those over 50 (forgotten but also existing and also in difficulty), may seize those opportunities (also scarce, complicated, not paid) but now that, in the absence of public administration, it is more difficult and “dangerous” find. I say dangerous because one thing would be an international database managed by the job centers, another thing is the internet, tout court “concluded Dilonardo.