Ton Büchner, CEO AkzoNobel: color is a fundamental element.
Mostra Internazionale di Architettura, la Biennale di Venezia. Elements of Architecture: 5000 years of architecture… and now what? Preserving Architecture?...
Playness in design “is no laughing matter”.
Products and set ups at Salone del Mobile and Compasso d’Oro Adi 2014 confirm that the design-play union proves again...
Zeta Service: a bright colours Best Workplace.
Over just 11 years, Zeta Service went from 1 to 380 clients and from 1 to170 employees, most of them...
Quinze & Milan/Ares: play and colour are spreading all over the office.
On the occasion of the Milano Design Week, a lively, informal party to celebrate (with excellent Belgian beer flowing) the...
Colour trend 2014: Fifty shades of grey.
After the profusion of pastel shades in 2013, will the Salone del Mobile di Milano confirm the grey trend? We asked Lia Luzzatto.
Bringing Colour to Life.
Archetipo Mediterraneo by Massimo Caiazzo shown in the “Illusion exhibition” at AIC 2013 Congress in England. The eight-pointed star, one...