ISS: the evolution of the work and the workplace.

ISS Facility Services, in collaboration with IFMA Italia organizes the free conference “The evolution of the workplace and the work itself”  to be held October 18th from 14.30 to 18 at the ISS headquarters in Milan, Via Ettore Bugatti 12.
The sessions of discussion and shared brainstorming include the participation of:
Peter Ankerstjerne
(ISS Group Marketing Director) who will focus on the functional and technological innovations;
Prof. Oliviero Tronconi (Politecnico di Milano) who will focus on the quantitative impacts;
Prof. Gianni Maria Strada (LIUC University, and HR of ISS), to share a 360-degrees view of the topic.
WOW! is a partner of the event together with Manageritalia and Unwired.
The meeting will conclude with a networking cocktail-

Registration is required: