CBRE has run a pilot study using the first tool that offers a way to improve measured workplace performance in the Real Estate sector.
Best practises for a burnout-free office.
Let’s design a space that sparks creativity without burning out people’s energy! The third article about workplaces that prevent emotional exhaustion.
Biosphera Office + conference on Office Restorative Design.
From 2 to 18 April the new Biosphera Office version will be launched in Milan, set up by WOW! Webmagazine. Opening April 4 with the conference Biophilic Design for regenerative work environments.
BNP Paribas’s DARE: holograms for collaboration.
That’s not Star Wars: Mimesys has developed for BNP Paribas a Mixed Reality & Holographic system, a technology that simulates the real presence in the space.
G-Factor: a fluid hybrid workplace.
Diverserighestudio has designed the Fondazione Golinelli’s incubator-accelerator in Bologna: a flexible place for research and training that can be crossed also by a robot.