The traveling event “+Positive spaces. Better products. Happier people. Healthier people”, promoted by Interface Italia, was an engaging and stimulating tour on board a historic tram for share ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) values and visions for a sustainable future.
It was organized during Milano Design Week 2023 in collaboration with qualified partners: Asacert, GS1, Massimiliano Mandarini, Accademia09 and with the patronage of Green Building Council Italia and the British Chamber of Commerce for Italy.
The video contains the post-event interviews given by the speakers to Renata Sias, editor of WOW Webmagazine, with the aim of deepening some of the most salient points touched upon in the various speeches.
The professionals, invited to share their visions for a sustainable future, addressed highly topical issues, touching on the concepts related to Design and ESG values in the round: from planning to inclusiveness, from biophilia to neuroscience, from human resources to technologies for green living and working places; there was no shortage of moments of leisure offered by the comedy of the actor Daniele Cauduro and the unmistakable voice of the American singer Ronnie Jones who spoke about sustainability in time with music, reminding us that “the future is in our hands”!
The tram tour opened with a conversation entitled Eudaimonia (a Greek word meaning happiness understood as the fundamental purpose of life). The theme of Happiness was then declined in various areas, from the design of “happy spaces” to the right to happiness and wellbeing even in the workplace.