”How do I explain to my wife that when I look out the window I’m working?” Quoting the well-known query raised by Joseph Conrad, Domenico De Masi spoils a few certainties and Gianmaurizio Cazzarolli confirms “Work is a state of being, not a place!”
The settings opened by Domenico De Masi, Michele Bonfiglioli, Gianmaurizio Cazzarolli, Enrico Cietta, Alberto De Zan, Roberto Zuccato, Luisa Bocchietto, and Renata Sias, on the occasion of the conference “Investire nell’ufficio fa bene all’azienda” (Investing in the office is good for the company) were really stimulating, and the results of the study “Lo spazio di lavoro come investimento produttivo”(work space as a productive investment) were presented there.
There is no progress without happiness, said prof De Masi, but we seem to be depressed and nonplussed, instead of planning the future we are just waiting for it to happen. We must work out new models, but which ones? We cannot apply old rules and new models. Work is destructured and the same should do the room where it takes place; motivation is needed to improve production, not the control, and also a “creative idleness” plays an important role.
Michele Bonfiglioli AD of Bonfiglioli Consulting investigates the theme of new models by offering the Lean approach to eliminate waste of time and space. “However, a streamlined organization requires a strong Core Value from the management.”
Flexible Time and Smart Working are the key concepts in case history of Tetra Pak explained by Gianmaurizio Cazzarolli, Director, Human Resource and Services Tetra Pak, the company winner of Smart Working Awards and Great Place To Work Awards. Tetra Pak makes use of a system of measurement by objectives with a variable wage and has planned the organization on concepts of assumption of responsibilities and self-management, work-life balance, trust, transparency and flexibility also for production. Obviousley, the top management must believe and share this culture and the offices are designed to suit and make these WOWs (Ways Of Working) easier.
The meeting in Treviso is the consistent continuation with the two previous workshops “Smart & Happy Office” “Felicità e produttività in ufficio” organized by Assufficio in Milan during 2013.