The HQ as the image of the company’s growth: the Amplifon offices in Milan.
967arch has designed the Amplifon’s headquarters’ renovation, turning an old warehouse into the company restaurant Eat&Meet, image of the new spaces and new ways of...
Davines Village: the value of the sustainable beauty.
Rural architecture, innovative values and sustainable culture in the Matteo Thun & Partner’s project.
The Banca Mediolanum company restaurant: biophilia and conviviality.
The scenographic greenhouse by Pedevilla and ThrityOne design in the Mediolanum HQ in Basiglio (Milan) is the core of a project designed “all around the...
Heart and Belly: the brand identity in the company restaurant.
It’s not just a matter of food quality: a good company restaurant must have also a multifuncional location that “spread company’s DNA all over”, where...